秘魯插畫家Juana MartinezNea新作|La Princesa and the Pea

Hi there! I’m Juana and I’m an author illustrator.
I was born in Lima, the capital of Peru. I’ve been illustrating for children since I was 16. Education is a must so I attended the best art school ever, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú – School of Fine Arts. After 3 years of a crazy 8-to-8 schedule and way too many all-nighters, I was in desperate need of a semester-break and decided to give L.A. a “test drive.” I have lived in the US ever since.
ALMA, my debut picture book as an author illustrator, will be published by Candlewick Press in Spring 2018.
You can subscribe to my blog to keep up to date with my latest work. For school visits and presentations requests, please email me.
I am represented by Stefanie Von Borstel of Full Circle Literary.
Se habla español.
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